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Pokemon Trading Card Game PLATINUM POKEDEX TCG Card List - Click to enlarge

Pokemon Trading Card Game PLATINUM POKEDEX TCG Card List

Pokemon in this Pokedex Section are from the Pokemon Platinum Series beginning with Pokemon Platinum thru the Pokemon Arceus Series. Click on any of the Pokemon Card Sections below to view the Pokemon Cards available from these Pokemon Series.

Pokemon Platinum TCG - Energy Cards

Pokemon Platinum TCG - Item Cards

Pokemon Platinum TCG - Stadium Cards

Pokemon Platinum TCG - Supporter Cards

ABSOL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

AERODACTYL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

AGGRON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ALAKAZAM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ALTARIA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

AMBIPOM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

AMPHAROS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ARCANINE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ARCEUS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ARON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ARTICUNO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BAGON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BALTOY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BANETTE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BASTIODON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BEAUTIFLY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BEEDRILL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BELDUM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BIBAREL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BIDOOF Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BLASTOISE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BLAZIKEN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BLISSEY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BRELOOM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BRONZONG Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BRONZONG Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BRONZOR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BUIZEL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BULBASAUR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BUNEARY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BURMY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

BUTTERFREE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CACNEA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CACTURNE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CAMERUPT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CARNIVINE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CARVANHA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CASCOON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHANSEY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHARIZARD Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHARMANDER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHARMELEON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHATOT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHERRIM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHERUBI Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHIMCHAR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHIMECHO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CHINGLING Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CLAYDOL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

COMBEE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

COMBUSKEN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CORPHISH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CRANIDOS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CRAWDAUNT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CROAGUNK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

CROBAT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DARKRAI Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DELCATTY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DEWGONG Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DIALGA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DIALGA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DIGLETT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DODRIO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DODUO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DRAGONITE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DRAPION Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DRIFBLIM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DRIFLOON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DUGTRIO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DUNSPARCE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DUSKNOIR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

DUSTOX Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

EEVEE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ELECTABUZZ Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ELECTIVIRE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ELECTRIKE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ELECTRODE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

EMPOLEON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ESPEON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

EXPLOUD Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

FEEBAS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

FLAAFFY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

FLAREON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

FLOATZEL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

FLYGON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

FORRETRESS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

FROSLASS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GABITE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GALLADE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GARCHOMP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GARDEVOIR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GASTLY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GASTRODON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GENGAR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GEODUDE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GIBLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GIRATINA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GLACEON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GLALIE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GLISCOR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GOLDEEN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GOLDUCK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GOLEM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GRAVELER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GRIMER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GROTLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GROVYLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GROWLITHE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GULPIN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

GYARADOS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HAPPINY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HARIYAMA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HAUNTER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HEATRAN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HERACROSS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HIPPOPOTAS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HIPPOWDON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HITMONCHAN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HONCHKROW Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HONCHKROW Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HOUNDOOM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

HOUNDOOM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

INFERNAPE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

IVYSAUR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

JIRACHI Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

JOLTEON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KABUTO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KABUTOPS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KAKUNA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KECLEON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KIRLIA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KOFFING Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KRICKETOT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

KRICKETUNE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LAIRON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LAPRAS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LEAFEON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LEAFON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LICKILICKY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LICKITUNG Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LOMBRE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LOPUNNY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LOTAD Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LOUDRED Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LUCARIO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LUDICOLO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LUNATONE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LUVDISC Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LUXIO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

LUXRAY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MACHAMP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAGIKARP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAGMAR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAGMORTAR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAGNEMITE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAKUHITA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAMOSWINE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MANECTRIC Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MANKEY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAREEP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MARSHTOMP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MASQUERAIN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MAWILE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MEDICHAM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MEDITITE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MEOWTH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

METAGROSS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

METANG Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MIGHTYENA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MILOTIC Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MIME JR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MINUN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MISDREAVUS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MISMAGIUS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MOLTRES Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MONFERNO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MOTHIM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MR MIME Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MUDKIP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MUK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MUNCHLAX Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

MURKROW Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NIDOKING Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NIDOQUEEN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NIDORAN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NIDORINA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NIDORINO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NINCADA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NINETALES Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NINJASK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NOSEPASS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NUMEL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

NUZLEAF Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

OCTILLERY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

OMANYTE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

OMASTAR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PACHIRISU Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PALKIA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PALKIA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PARAS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PARASECT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PELIPPER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PICHU Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PIKACHU Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PINSIR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PIPLUP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PLUSLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PONYTA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

POOCHYENA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PORYGON-Z Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PRIMEAPE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PRINPLUP Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PROBOPASS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PSYDUCK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

PURUGLY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

QUAGSIRE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RAICHU Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RALTS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RAMPARDOS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RAPIDASH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RATICATE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RATTATA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RAYQUAZA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

REGIGIGAS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RELICANTH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

REMORAID Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RHYDON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RHYHORN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RHYPERIOR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

RIOLU Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ROSELIA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ROSERADE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ROTOM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SABLEYE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SALAMENCE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SANDSHREW Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SANDSLASH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SCEPTILE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SCIZOR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SCYTHER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SEAKING Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SEALEO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SEEDOT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SEEL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SEVIPER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHARPEDO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHAYMIN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHEDINJA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHELGON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHELLOS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHIELDON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHIFTRY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHINX Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHROOMISH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SHUPPET Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SILCOON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SKARMORY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SKITTY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SKORUPI Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SKUNTANK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SLAKING Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SLAKOTH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SNORLAX Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SNORUNT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SOLROCK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SPHEAL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SPINDA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SPIRITOMB Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SQUIRTLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

STARAPTOR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

STARAVIA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

STARLY Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

STARMIE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

STARYU Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

STEELIX Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SURSKIT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SWABLU Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SWALOT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

SWAMPERT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TANGELA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TANGROWTH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TAUROS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TOGEKISS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TORCHIC Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TORKOAL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TORTERRA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TOXICROAK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TOXICROAK Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TRAPINCH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TREECKO Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TROPIUS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

TURTWIG Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

VAPOREON Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

VENUSAUR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

VESPIQUEN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

VIBRAVA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

VIGOROTH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

VULPIX Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WAILMER Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WAILORD Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WALREIN Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WARTORTLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WEAVILE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WEEDLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WEEZING Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WHISCASH Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WHISMUR Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WINGULL Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WORMADAM Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

WURMPLE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

YANMA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

YANMEGA Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ZANGOOSE Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ZAPDOS Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

ZUBAT Pokemon TCG Platinum Cards

Pokemon (SV08) Scarlet & Violet SURGING SPARKS BOOSTER BOX containing 36 SURGING SPARKS Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SV08) Scarlet & Violet SURGING SPARKS BOOSTER BOX containing 36 SURGING SPARKS Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SV07) Scarlet & Violet STELLAR CROWN BOOSTER BOX containing 36 STELLAR CROWN Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SV07) Scarlet & Violet STELLAR CROWN BOOSTER BOX containing 36 STELLAR CROWN Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED


Pokemon (SV04) Scarlet & Violet PARADOX RIFT BOOSTER BOX containing 36 PARADOX RIFT Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SV04) Scarlet & Violet PARADOX RIFT BOOSTER BOX containing 36 PARADOX RIFT Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SV03) Scarlet & Violet OBSIDIAN FLAMES BOOSTER BOX containing 36 OBSIDIAN FLAMES Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SV03) Scarlet & Violet OBSIDIAN FLAMES BOOSTER BOX containing 36 OBSIDIAN FLAMES Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SV01) SCARLET & VIOLET BASE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Scarlet & Violet Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SV01) SCARLET & VIOLET BASE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Scarlet & Violet Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH12) Sword & Shield SILVER TEMPEST BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield SILVER TEMPEST Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH12) Sword & Shield SILVER TEMPEST BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield SILVER TEMPEST Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH09) Sword & Shield BRILLIANT STARS BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield BRILLIANT STARS Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH09) Sword & Shield BRILLIANT STARS BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield BRILLIANT STARS Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH08) Sword & Shield FUSION STRIKE BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield FUSION STRIKE Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH08) Sword & Shield FUSION STRIKE BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield FUSION STRIKE Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH07) Sword & Shield EVOLVING SKIES BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield EVOLVING SKIES Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH07) Sword & Shield EVOLVING SKIES BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield EVOLVING SKIES Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH05) Sword & Shield BATTLE STYLES BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield BATTLE STYLES Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH05) Sword & Shield BATTLE STYLES BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield BATTLE STYLES Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH04) Sword & Shield VIVID VOLTAGE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield VIVID VOLTAGE Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH04) Sword & Shield VIVID VOLTAGE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield VIVID VOLTAGE Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH03) Sword & Shield DARKNESS ABLAZE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield DARKNESS ABLAZE Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH03) Sword & Shield DARKNESS ABLAZE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield DARKNESS ABLAZE Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH02) Sword & Shield REBEL CLASH SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield REBEL CLASH Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH02) Sword & Shield REBEL CLASH SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield REBEL CLASH Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED

Pokemon (SWSH01) SWORD & SHIELD SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED
Pokemon (SWSH01) SWORD & SHIELD SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Sword & Shield Pokemon Packs - FACTORY SEALED


Pokemon (SM04) Sun & Moon CRIMSON INVASION EXPANSION SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Crimson Invasion Pokemon Packs
Pokemon (SM04) Sun & Moon CRIMSON INVASION EXPANSION SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Crimson Invasion Pokemon Packs

Pokemon (SM03) Sun & Moon BURNING SHADOWS EXPANSION SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Burning Shadows Pokemon Packs
Pokemon (SM03) Sun & Moon BURNING SHADOWS EXPANSION SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 Burning Shadows Pokemon Packs

Pokemon (XY11) XY STEAM SIEGE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 X&Y Pokemon Packs
Pokemon (XY11) XY STEAM SIEGE SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 X&Y Pokemon Packs

Pokemon (XY09) XY BREAKPOINT SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 X&Y Pokemon Packs
Pokemon (XY09) XY BREAKPOINT SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 X&Y Pokemon Packs

Pokemon (XY05) X & Y PRIMAL CLASH SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 X&Y Pokemon Packs
Pokemon (XY05) X & Y PRIMAL CLASH SET BOOSTER BOX containing 36 X&Y Pokemon Packs

$1,500.00 Cottondale, FL 32428

We reserve the right to limit quantities on any and all items on this site
Items sell out quickly at times and prices may change without notice

1991 - 2024 Copyright All rights reserved
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