Home > Stop2Shop.com's Custom Built Pokemon Decks 2013 Pokemon Season Legal Decks
After our huge success in the few Custom Pokemon Decks we built for the 2011 - 2012 Pokemon Battle Roads Season we decided to continue to design more Custom Pokemon Decks for the New Tournament Format which has been released for the 2013 Pokemon Season. In the 2013 Pokemon Season only cards from Black and White Series or Newer will be legal. ALL THE CUSTOM POKEMON DECKS ON THIS PAGE ARE BUILT FOR THE 2013 POKEMON SEASON FORMAT. These custom Pokemon Decks are designed with the NEW POKEMON FAN AND PLAYER in mind so they will have an absolute blast playing the game with family, friends or at thier local hobby shop. These Stop2Shop.com's Custom Pokemon decks are legal for play in ALL POKEMON SANCTIONED EVENTS for the 2013 Pokemon Season which officially begins in September 1, 2012. Stop2Shop.com's staff designs these Pokemon decks so they meet all 2013 Pokemon Sanctioned Tournament Rules so you will have no problems taking any of our custom decks to your local hobby shop or Pokemon Tournament and competing in a Sanctioned Pokemon events. New decks will be added frequently so keep checking back with us.
Take a look at the Stop2Shop.com's Custom Pokemon Decks AVAIALBLE NOW: