 |  |  |  |  |
CROMAXX Secrets of the Lost City ULTRA RARE FOIL Creature - Past Warrior Card # S01/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | PROBOSCAR Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past Beast Card # S02/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | SMILDON Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past Warrior Beast Card # S03/026 with RANDOM STATS

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URSIS Secrets of the Lost City ULTRA RARE FOIL Creature - Past Warrior Muge Card # S04/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | AFJAK Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past OverWorld Muge Card # S05/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | KORG Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past OverWorld Guardian Card # S06/026 with RANDOM STATS

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NAJARIN Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past OverWorld Muge Card # S07/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | VLAR Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past OverWorld Scout Card # S08/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | KAAL Secrets of the Lost City ULTRA RARE FOIL Creature - Past UnderWorld Conqueror Card # S09/026 with RANDOM STATS

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KIRU Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past UnderWorld Conqueror Card # S10/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | SKORBLUST Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past UnderWorld Elementalist Card # S11/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | VOORX Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past UnderWorld Elementalist Card # S12/026 with RANDOM STATS

 |  |  |  |  |
MAKROMIL Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past Danian Warrior Card # S13/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | AJARA Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past Mipedian Scout Card # S14/026 with RANDOM STATS

|  | IXXIK Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Creature - Past Mipedian Warbeast Card # S15/026 with RANDOM STATS

 |  |  |  |  |
SKOPOLON Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Battlegear - Past Card # S16/026

|  | TRIDENT OF TREACHERY Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Battlegear - Past Card # S17/026

|  | VARANOHS Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Battlegear - Past Card # S18/026

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VLARIC SHARD Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Battlegear - Past Card # S19/026

|  | DRANAKIS THRESHOLD Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Location - Past Card # S20/026

|  | GIGANTEMPOPOLIS Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Location - Past Card # S21/026

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GRAALORN FOREST Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Location - Past Card # S22/026

|  | KIRU VILLAGE Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Location - Past Card # S23/026

|  | MIPEDIM TROPICS Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Location - Past Card # S24/026

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PREXXOR CHASM Secrets of the Lost City SUPER RARE FOIL Location - Past Card # S25/026

|  | PREXXOR CHASM - THE BLIGHT Secrets of the Lost City ULTRA RARE FOIL Location - Past Mirage Card # S26/026

|  | MAGLAX, LODESTONE SEEKER Creature - OverWorld Guardian Scout Secrets Deck Card # 11 (RANDOM STATS)

 |  |  |  |  |
SOMNORT Creature - OverWorld Guardian Warrior Secrets Lost City Deck Card # 15 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | UNDA, SERVANT OF WATER Creature - OverWorld Elementalist Secrets Deck Card # 16 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | NAUTHILAX, AQUATIC SPY Creature-UnderWorld Elementalist Scout Secrets Deck Card # 22 (RANDOM STATS)

 |  |  |  |  |
SAVITSA Creature - UnderWorld Elementalist Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 25 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | SEERYN, SERVANT OF FIRE Creature - UnderWorld Elementalist Secrets Deck Card # 26 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | MHEIN Creature - Danian Mandiblor Warrior Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 39 (RANDOM STATS)

 |  |  |  |  |
NOM, SERVANT OF EARTH Creature-Danian Elementalist Secrets Lost City Deck Card # 41 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | ODU-BATHAX, RESERVOIR RECLAIMER Creature-Danian Battlemaster Warrior Deck Card # 43 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | KHENTI Creature - Mipedian Stalker Warrior Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 55 (RANDOM STATS)

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KOJJBEL Creature - Mipedian Warrior Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 56 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | SILV, SERVANT OF AIR Creature - Mipedian Elementalist Secrets Deck Card # 61 (RANDOM STATS)

|  | ELEMENTAL DENIAL Mugic - UnderWorld Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 77

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SONG OF THE DYAD Mugic - OverWorld Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 80

|  | GEAR GLISSANDO Mugic - Mipedian Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 87

|  | BATTLESONG OF RENEWAL Mugic - OverWorld Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 149

 |  |  |  |  |
SEARING SYMPHONY Mugic Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 158

|  | ELEMENTAL COUNTERPOINT Mugic - Danian Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 160

|  | UNBALANCING BATTLESONG Mugic - Danian Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 163

 |  |  |  |  |
AEGIS AIRIA Mugic - Mipedian Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 164

|  | ANTHEM OF STONE Mugic - Generic Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 170

|  | DISCHORD OF FLAME Mugic - Generic Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 172

 |  |  |  |  |
HARMONICS OF WATER Mugic - Generic Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 173

|  | HOWL OF THE WIND Mugic - Generic Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 174

|  | AQUATIC FAMILIAR Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 125

 |  |  |  |  |
CITADEL FRAGMENTS Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 128

|  | CITADEL LODESTONE Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 129

|  | DOUBLE EDGE Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 131

 |  |  |  |  |
METABOLIC OVERLOADER Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 136

|  | MYSTERIOUS CLAWBLADE Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 137

|  | ORCHIS UNDIN Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 139

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QURANIUM PENDANT Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 142

|  | SANDSTORM SHROUD Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 143

|  | SUN CHARIOT OF KEHN-SEP Battlegear Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 146

 |  |  |  |  |
ENLIGHTENED TENACITY Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 43

|  | FORCE STRIKE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 45

|  | HURLICANE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 49

 |  |  |  |  |
LIQUESCENT SWIRL Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 51

|  | PROGRESSIVE SPEED Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 54

|  | SUNDER GROUND Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 54

 |  |  |  |  |
DELUGE OF DOOM Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 73

|  | AIRIZE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 75

|  | AIRSAULT Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 76

 |  |  |  |  |
ATMOSFEAR Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 77

|  | CLEAN SLIDE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 79

|  | CONSUMING FLAME Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 81

 |  |  |  |  |
EARTH PULSE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 85

|  | EIDOLON ADVANCE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 87

|  | ESSENTIAL EVAPORATION Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 89

 |  |  |  |  |
FLOOD FORCE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 94

|  | GLADIATOR'S FIRE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 96

|  | PERPLEXING HEAT Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 96

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INCINERASE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 103

|  | MINDVOID Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 103

|  | SLEET SLIDE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 111

 |  |  |  |  |
SLOWSAND Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 112

|  | SMOKESURGE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 112

|  | SUDDEN FLARE Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 113

 |  |  |  |  |
SYNAPTIC ACCELERATION Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 114

|  | WHIRLWIND SCYTHES Attack Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 125

|  | CASTLE RATHWAQ Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 177

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ELMANTIIR Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 180

|  | MIPEDIM VALLEY Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 187

|  | THE PASSAGE, OVERWORLD Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 190

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THE PASSAGE, UNDERWORLD Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 191

|  | RIVERLANDS, ABANDONED WASTES Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 194

|  | BRAWLERS BURROW Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 196

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BROKEN EDGE Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 197

|  | THE STORM TUNNEL, LINGERING MONSOON Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 197

|  | THE SWARTBRON Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 199

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TABLET SANCTUARY Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 200

|  | THE HIVE GARDEN Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 204

|  | THE OVERWORLD LIBRARY Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 214

 |  |  |
THE PITS Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 215

|  | VIDAVS REFECTORIUM Location Secrets of the Lost City Deck Card # 222
