Pokemon EX Team Rocket Returns Wherever darkness lurks, Team Rocket may rise again... With the reappearance of Dark Pokémon in the Pokémon TCG, Team Rocket blasts onto the scene with its mysterious Secret Machines and its own ferocious Pokémon! Darkness Falls Dark Pokémon are Pokémon that are Darkness-type versions of standard Pokémon. Dark Pokémon once had slightly weaker attacks and slightly lower HP than their normal counterparts, but the Dark Pokémon of EX Team Rocket Returns are the strongest ones ever seen! Many Dark Pokémon have the same amount of HP as their non-Dark versions, as well as unique and powerful attacks or Poké-Powers. Most of the Dark Pokémon in EX Team Rocket Returns are Dual Energy type Pokémon, so they are more versatile. Dark Pokémon also tend to team up well with other Dark Pokémon. Stop2Shop.com has all the Pokemon EX TEam Rocket Returns Single Cards in stock and we have the BIG GIANT PICS of all the cards, check them out below: