Pokemon TCG EX Legend Maker GroundBreaker Theme DeckPokemon TCG EX Legend Maker GroundBreaker Theme Deck
Every Legend Has a Beginning…. What sectrets does Mew hide that Pokemon trainers have been waitign to learn? In Pokemon EX Legend Maker, you'll unravel the truth behind the most mysterious Pokemon of all! With pwerful ancient Pokemon to find, amazing new stadiums to master an a mythic Pokemon that every trainer wanst to catch, this is the stuff legends are made of!
The Pokemon TCG EX Legend Maker set contains over 90 Pokemon Cards. Can you Catch'em All?
Rock your opponents when you play the Ground Breaker Theme Deck. First, rattle them with your Fighting and Grass Pokemon before you bring on Golem's Rock Tumble to win by a landslide!
In this theme deck you'll find:60 Pokemon Card Decl1 Metallic coin1 Rulebook / Card List1- Player PlaymatDamage Counters