MILOTIC LV.47 Pokemon Great Encounters Rare Card # 25Milotic Lv.47 Pokemon Great Encounters Rare Card # 25
Are the powerful new Pokémon LV.X in Great Encounters wreaking havoc on your team? If so, consider adding Milotic (Great Encounters, 25/106) to your deck. This beautiful water-born Pokémon has a handy Poké-Body, Marvel Scale, which can seriously disrupt the destructive power of any Pokémon LV.X. Marvel Scale prevents all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Milotic by opposing Pokémon LV.X! In addition to this defensive power, Milotic packs an offensive punch as well. Milotic's Twister attack delivers 50 damage when you flip at least 1heads out of 2 coin flips. As an extra bonus, you get to discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon for each time you flip heads. Milotic is handy indeed!