TANGROWTH LV.38 Pokemon Great Encounters Rare Holofoil Card # 10Tangrowth Lv.38 Pokemon Great Encounters Rare Holofoil Card # 10
Consisting of a tangled mass of curly blue vines, Tangrowth (Great Encounters, 10/106) is a Stage 1 Pokémon that evolves from the equally spaghetti-like Pokémon Tangela. While most Stage 1 Pokémon are lucky to have 90 HP, Tangrowth weighs in at a hefty 110 HP. Tangrowth's attacks can benefit greatly from energy-accelerating Pokémon such as Togekiss (Great Encounters, 11/106) or Exeggutor (Mysterious Treasures, 24/123). Tangrowth's Power Whip attack inflicts damage equal to 10 times the amount of basic Energy cards attached to it. If you power-up Tangrowth with multiple Energy cards using Togekiss's Serene Grace Poké-Power or Exeggutor's Nutritional Support attack, Tangrowth will come out of the box swinging!