Each Yu-Gi-Oh Japanese 2003 Collector's Tin contains the Beast of Talwar Japanese Foil Card and 7 Japanese Booster Packs for a total of 36 Yu-Gi-Oh cards! The Beast of Talwar has an Attack of 2400! This card can make the difference between winning and losing.
Each tin contains: 1 Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh Ultra Rare Foil Card - "Beast of Talwar" Attack: 2400 Defense: 2150 Level: 6 Card Type: Normal Monster - Dark/Fiend
2 Japanese Booster Packs of Guardian's Power 1 Japanese Booster Pack of Duelist Legacy 1 1 Japanese Booster Pack of Duelist Legacy 2 1 Japanese Booster Pack of Advent of Union 1 Japanese Booster Pack of New Ruler 1 Japanese Booster Pack of King of Dark Magic